#Dawn of the planet of the apes full movie fmovies series#
From the moment Charleton Heston first came upon the exploded fragments of the Statue of Liberty, it’s was clear the series was pessimistic about mankind’s ability to survive its own shortcomings and remain as the dominant species on the planet. If you’ve ever watched a single Apes film over the years since they first started showing up in theaters in 1968, then you can probably guess things don’t go well from that point on. Interpreting what he sees as a sign that the humans mean to betray the apes, Koba rushes back to either convince Caesar to strike first or to find a way to convince all the other apes to attack should Caesar refuse.

Along with a few loyal apes, he sneaks back into the city and discovers Dreyfus preparing his men for battle just in case negotiations go wrong. But Koba, still full of hate and covered in scars from his days as an abused lab animal, doesn’t trust men. At first, things seem to go well as Caesar and Malcolm manage to strike an uneasy truce and work begins on the dam.

Before a war can start, however, Malcolm convinces his friend to give him three days to make peace with Caesar and get the dam working. Filled with dread at what he’s just seen, and convinced the community they’ve been rebuilding will collapse if power is not restored, the human leader, Dreyfus, prepares his men to take up arms against the apes. As you can imagine, nothing quite instills fear into a bunch of humans like an army of horse-riding monkeys armed with spears who show up at their gates and start speaking in English.